about us

TriAqua Egypt for water treatment and environment technologies
The leading company in water treatment technology in Egypt

We combine economic success, social responsibility and environmental protection. Through science and innovation, we support our customers in nearly every industry in meeting the current and future needs of society through clean water.


Becoming an Advanced Water and Environmental Management Company.

Our Vision keeps us focused on what we strive for – to be the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services; providing and protecting what is vital: clean water, safe food, abundant energy and healthy environments.


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our activities

TriAqua Egypt was founded in 2013 and has been keen on managing the company since the inception of the company to have a clear strategy and specific objectives to be maintained, because the company is working in one of the most important areas of life if not the most important is the field of water purification and treatment.

Industries Served

Regardless of individual differences between industries, they all face a similar challenge:
to enhance efficiency .Tri-aqua Egypt can play a crucial role in achieving this key business objective.
Our technologies and know-how help lower your operating costs, increase your plant availability and optimize the safety of your employees and your plants. Furthermore, we actively support you with expert advice as well as individual concepts and competent service for the water and process treatment of your plant.

  A   Automotive  
  Immense  competition has compelled the automobile industry to optimize processes and improve energy efficiency. Continuous and effective production processes are key factors to meeting these challenges.
Tri-aqua Egypt  is your competent partner for all questions concerning water With more than 5 years of experience, we offer the most technically up-to-date water and process treatment solutions. Our highly qualified engineers will gladly advise you on how to increase plant lifecycle and reduce energy costs.
  B   chemicals  
  Resource consumption in the chemical industry is enormous. Although the industry has already succeeded in significantly reducing its energy demands, it remains challenged by high energy costs, high water consumption and increasingly stringent regulations. Energy efficiency, increased production and plant availability are therefore important factors contributing to a competitive advantage.
We would be glad to support you. Tri-aqua Egypt offers a broad spectrum of resource-saving solutions as well as solutions for improving production and plant safety.
  C   pharmaceutical industry  
  The pharmaceutical industry must respond to the challenge of growing competitive and regulatory pressures. Increased productivity and the optimal utilization of resources contribute to achieving added economic efficiency.
Our economic treatment concepts for your cooling water, boiler water and waste water plants extend lifecycles and increase productivity. As specialists for ultrapure water and reverse osmosis we ensure water quality levels that meet the highest expectations.
Secure a competitive edge through intelligent water treatment with Tri-aqua Egypt.
  D   Food and Beverage Industry  
  The food and beverage industry is suffering from severe economic pressure. Efficient and continuous production processes are therefore business critical.
By choosing Tri-aqua Egypt concepts for your cooling water, boiler water and waste water plants as well as your reverse osmosis systems and autoclaves - all of which are specially adapted to your needs - you opt for economic and ecological treatment, leading to more productivity and cost-efficiency.
  E   Manufacturing Industry  
  In all industrial sectors, productivity and economic efficiency are the main factors for sustainable success. Reliable and durable production plants together with their cooling, boiler and waste water systems therefore play an important role. The paper and board industry is in a geographic and structural transition. The industry is addressed by rising legal, economic and ecological demands which require a high level of innovation.  
  F   paper  
  As agent for leading global Kurita  provider of unique solutions for industries that intensively use water and energy, Tri-aqua Egypt has a strong commitment to paper. We have a proven expertise in the supply and application of benchmarking products and technologies that support the paper industry in developing innovative products, optimizing processes and in reducing costs, energy, water and waste.  
  G   steel  
  The many production facilities within the steel industry, e.g. the blast furnace, converter, continuous caster, hot and cold strip mills and the coke oven plant require immense quantities of water for the cooling circuits and for gas scrubbing. During the last few years, the majority of steel plants have managed to significantly reduce freshwater usage per ton of steel through water recycling and process optimization. However, the high water quality standards required for the water circuits and regulations for waste water remain unchanged, resulting in an increased demand for professional water treatment.  
  H   cleaning  
  Deposits in water systems, especially in heat exchangers, result in a significant heat transfer reduction, in low efficiency and a loss of cooling capacity. Some systems, after long operational periods without any water conditioning or with inadequate treatment, need cleaning. Therefore Tri-aqua Egypt proposes acidic, alkaline and neutral cleaners to remove deposits, scale, fouling, dirt, grime or impurities.  

contact us

Building upon the long experience of its mother company Tri-aqua Egypt in the market, TAE target is to reach wider market approach and serve more customers supported with high quality products and full commitment to customer satisfaction.

Get in touch !

Office : (+02) 055 438 9940
GSM : (+02) 011 161 11730, (+02) 010 031 00177
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